Version 1 of the Survey
School Technology Survey
- What is your gender? M___________ F_______________
- What is your age group?
- ____20-29
- ____30-39
- ____40-49
- ____50-59
- _____60-69
- How often do you use your computer at work?
- _____never
- _____less than once a week
- _____once a week
- _____2-3 times a week
- _____daily
- _____all day
- For what purposes do you use your school computer/laptop (check all that apply)
- _____ email (division)
- _____ email (personal)
- _____internet
- _____social media
- _____planning lessons
- _____power point
- _____word processing, spreadsheets, etc
- _____teacher activities (Attendance, marks, etc)
- _____other
- Did you recently receive the new dell net book to replace your laptop?
- _____yes
- ______no
If you answered yes to #5 please continue to #6. If you answered no please continue to #7.
- I feel satisfies with the net book I was given by the school board. (check the box that applies)
Strongly disagree | Disagree | Neither disagree nor agree | Agree | Strongly agree |
| | | | |
- I feel the school board provides adequate access to technology for me to do my job effectively.
Strongly disagree | Disagree | Neither disagree nor agree | Agree | Strongly agree |
| | | | |
- I rely heavily on the internet and the technology tools given to me by the school board to do my job as a teacher.
Strongly disagree | Disagree | Neither disagree nor agree | Agree | Strongly agree |
| | | | |
- Do you have any comments regarding the technology devices you have been given for your classroom?
School Technology Survey
- What is your gender? M___________ F_______________
- What is your age group?
- ____20-29
- ____30-39
- ____40-49
- ____50-59
- _____60-69
- How often do you use your computer at work?
- _____never
- _____less than once a week
- _____once a week
- _____2-3 times a week
- _____daily
- _____all day
- For what purposes do you use your school computer/laptop (check all that apply)
- _____ email (division)
- _____ email (personal)
- _____internet
- _____social media
- _____planning lessons
- _____power point
- _____word processing, spreadsheets, etc
- _____teacher activities (Attendance, marks, etc)
- _____other
- Did you recently receive the new dell net book to replace your laptop?
- _____yes
- ______no
If you answered YES to #5 please continue to #6. If you answered NO please continue to #7.
- I feel satisfied with the net book I was given by the school board.
Strongly disagree | Disagree | Neither disagree nor agree | Agree | Strongly agree |
| | | | |
- I feel the school board provides adequate access to technology for me to do my job effectively.
Strongly disagree | Disagree | Neither disagree nor agree | Agree | Strongly agree |
| | | | |
- I rely heavily the technology tools given to me by the school board to do my job as a teacher.
Strongly disagree | Disagree | Neither disagree nor agree | Agree | Strongly agree |
| | | | |
- I rely heavily on the internet to prepare and carry out my duties as a teacher.
Strongly disagree | Disagree | Neither disagree nor agree | Agree | Strongly agree |
| | | | |
- Do you have any comments regarding the technology devices you have been given for your classroom?