Saturday, March 17, 2012

Assignment #5 Survey

I prepared a short survey on technology access in the school. Recently some teachers of Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools were given net books to replace older existing lap tops. The replacement has generated some discussions and so I wanted to survey those teachers in my science department and gauge their feelings on the tools we are given by our school board and our access to those tools. The survey was well received and I made only a few changes based on reactions from my colleagues. The most significant change I had to make was splitting one question into two when someome commented it seemed to be asking two things. I just made a very short survey, but afterwards felt it was a topic worth exploring. I actually left the experience wanting to make a longer more thourough survey to really get some information from more teachers as to how they were feeling about the subject. But as this technology replacement is not the focus of my evaluation so I will not be exploring it further, however I think there is room for an evaluation there should anyone want to do one!

Version 1 of the Survey

School Technology Survey

  1. What is your gender?    M___________                                  F_______________
  2. What is your age group?
    1. ____20-29
    2. ____30-39
    3. ____40-49
    4. ____50-59
    5. _____60-69
  3. How often do you use your computer at work?
    1. _____never
    2. _____less than once a week
    3. _____once a week
    4. _____2-3 times a week
    5. _____daily
    6. _____all day
  4. For what purposes do you use your school computer/laptop (check all that apply)
    1. _____ email (division)
    2. _____ email (personal)
    3. _____internet
    4. _____social media
    5. _____planning lessons
    6. _____power point
    7. _____word processing, spreadsheets, etc
    8. _____teacher activities (Attendance, marks, etc)
    9. _____other
  5. Did you recently receive the new dell net book to replace your laptop?
    1. _____yes
    2. ______no

If you answered yes to #5 please continue to #6. If you answered no please continue to #7.

  1. I feel satisfies with the net book I was given by the school board. (check the box that applies)

Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly agree

  1. I feel the school board provides adequate access to technology for me to do my job effectively.

Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly agree

  1. I rely heavily on the internet and the technology tools given to me by the school board to do my job as a teacher.

Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly agree

  1. Do you have any comments regarding the technology devices you have been given for your classroom?

Version 2 of the Survey 

School Technology Survey
  1. What is your gender?    M___________                                  F_______________
  2. What is your age group?
    1. ____20-29
    2. ____30-39
    3. ____40-49
    4. ____50-59
    5. _____60-69
  3. How often do you use your computer at work?
    1. _____never
    2. _____less than once a week
    3. _____once a week
    4. _____2-3 times a week
    5. _____daily
    6. _____all day
  4. For what purposes do you use your school computer/laptop (check all that apply)
    1. _____ email (division)
    2. _____ email (personal)
    3. _____internet
    4. _____social media
    5. _____planning lessons
    6. _____power point
    7. _____word processing, spreadsheets, etc
    8. _____teacher activities (Attendance, marks, etc)
    9. _____other
  5. Did you recently receive the new dell net book to replace your laptop?
    1. _____yes
    2. ______no
If you answered YES to #5 please continue to #6. If you answered NO please continue to #7.
  1. I feel satisfied with the net book I was given by the school board.
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly agree

  1. I feel the school board provides adequate access to technology for me to do my job effectively.
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly agree

  1. I rely heavily the technology tools given to me by the school board to do my job as a teacher.
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly agree

  1. I rely heavily on the internet to prepare and carry out my duties as a teacher.
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly agree

  1. Do you have any comments regarding the technology devices you have been given for your classroom?